| Easy Reading for ESL Beginners |
| http://www.rong-chang.com/easyread |
| English language learning and teaching |
| http://www.btinternet.com/~ted.power/index.html |
| English on the Internet - READING |
| http://www.aj.cz/read.htm |
| English Online France - Resources for students and teachers of English as a foreign language |
| http://eolf.univ-fcomte.fr |
| English Reading Comprehension - Textos para aprender o practicar inglés - Comprensión escrita |
| http://www.saberingles.com.ar/reading/index.html |
| English Teaching Lab: 7 reading practice sites |
| http://englishteachinglab.blogspot.com/2008/02/7-reading-practice-sites.html |
| English Works! |
| http://tip.gallaudet.edu/englishworks.xml |
| ESL EFL video, audio and printables |
| http://www.englishteachersdb.com |
| ESL Independent Study Lab -Reading |
| http://legacy.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/reading.html |
| ESL Stories |
| http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~lfried/stories/stories.html |
| ESL/EFL Reading - 365 ESL/EFL Short Stories |
| http://www.eslfast.com |
| Free Classic Books Online at Classic Reader |
| http://www.classicreader.com |
| Free English Study, speaking, listening, grammar lessons, reading, writing, vocabulary - Home |
| http://free-english-study.com |
| Free English teaching and learning materials for ESL - English as a Second Language |
| http://www.eslgold.com/index.html |
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